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Showing posts from January, 2021


  In my  last blog post, I shared some tips on how you can build your self confidence,  in which one of it was personal development.    Today, I will be shedding  more light on what personal development entails.Take a seat and let's journey together in becoming your best self.    Personal development is all about you, it's  all about you becoming a better person! Let me say it is the collection of deliberate activities geared towards the betterment of one's life. It's more of a personal drive for growth and improvement.   There are some areas which you can develop your self, I will be listing the areas ; 🏷 SPIRITUALITY DEVELOPMENT : It covers the ability to revolve with an invisible one, how much you are able to develop your spiritual life because most timewe focus more on the physical and neglect the spiritual. This is the aspect of personal development  that launches you in a realm beyond physical. Your ability to know how much you are able to study the word of God.

Build Your Self Confidence In 2021

 Hello there!  It's of a great privilege writing this to you, let's dive into what we have today. 2020 has been a tough year over the years, most people had their plans but  got shattered. Most persons lost their self confidence due to the fear  they indulge in themselves.   Building healthy self confidence must be your priority this 2021 because it gives you  drive to do more.  Here, I will be giving you tips to build your self confidence ; 1. LOOK  AT WHAT  YOU  HAVE  ACHIEVED : To build self confidence you've to start looking at what you have achieved and stop looking at what you have not achieved. Most of the reason we lost our self confidence is because we always think we are  failure, since, we have not achieved  some things. Shift your mind from your failure and start looking at what you have achieved. When you do that you believe more in yourself.  2. DISCOVER YOUR POTENTIAL AND HARNESS IT: God created each person with a potential you just have to discover it yours