In my last blog post, I shared some tips on how you can build your self confidence, in which one of it was personal development.
Today, I will be shedding more light on what personal development entails.Take a seat and let's journey together in becoming your best self.
Personal development is all about you, it's all about you becoming a better person! Let me say it is the collection of deliberate activities geared towards the betterment of one's life. It's more of a personal drive for growth and improvement.
There are some areas which you can develop your self, I will be listing the areas ;
🏷SPIRITUALITY DEVELOPMENT : It covers the ability to revolve with an invisible one, how much you are able to develop your spiritual life because most timewe focus more on the physical and neglect the spiritual. This is the aspect of personal development that launches you in a realm beyond physical. Your ability to know how much you are able to study the word of God.
🏷EMOTINAL DEVELOPMENT : This is the ability to manage your emotions and respond positively to the emotions of others, you can call it emotional intelligence.
🏷SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT :This is the ability to relate effectively with other people. Actually, most of the time our problem is not that we are introverts it is just that we have not mastered or developed our social skill.
🏷MENTAL DEVELOPMENT : Growing your mind and building the right capacity to think and contribute meaning fully to life. .
🏷FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT : This talks about how you train your skills or talent to something profitable.
🏷Reading (books, articles, journals).
🏷Register for online courses.
🏷Attend seminar offline and online.
🏷Connect with people.
🏷Personal Development is doing what every one else is doing: This is not right, you don't have to do what every one else is doing. Know what works for you.
🏷Personal Development is trying to be like another person.
🏷It's all about you.
🏷It's not about making money but it has a way of influencing your ability to build wealth.
🏷it has direct effect on your personality and the way people perceive you.
🏷Set goals .
🏷Have plans for what you really want.
Thanks for reading through!
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