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   Do you know why most people don't take action in their lives? 

   Because they are afraid of the unknown. After all, nobody likes things they're not familiar with. We hate when things don't go according to plan.

  When unexpected events make us find new ways to do things.

 Maybe it's an important decision you have to make without knowing all the details.

  Maybe you need to get something done without really knowing how to do it. Or maybe it's a worldwide crisis never seen before like last year's.

  It doesn't matter how well prepared you are for these things...

  There will always be a moment where these situations will catch you by surprise.

 It's just inevitable.

 All those situations make us feel uncertain...

 They paralyze us and stop us from going after our goals.

  And what happens to those who let their fear of the unknown take over?

  Well, they never get to live to their fullest potential.

 They never get to do anything extraordinary.

 They miss out on great experiences just because they were outside of their comfort zone.

  They do not consider great ideas that could've given them great results just because they were too new.

  Plus, they end up losing everything in front of those who do take action.

Don't worry, though.

You don't have to be like that.

  There's a way you can become someone courageous who takes action every time.

  First, you need to understand where that fear is coming from.

  See, the fear you're feeling now is made up of thoughts and beliefs.

  And those beliefs come from negative experiences you've had in the past.

 So, the first step to conquer your fear of the unknown is to see why it exists within you.

  Did you fail at a business venture and don't want this to happen again?

  Were you hurt in the past and that doesn't let you trust other people?

  What happened when you stepped out of your routine that you just don't want to do it anymore? Usually, you'll find the reasons you have are not based on reality and facts.

 They're just in your head.

 Then, bring your logical brain into the game, and start thinking logically about this fear.

  What are the chances that this happens again? And even if the worst-case-scenario happens, would it be that bad?

  Haven't I been able to succeed under similar circumstances in the past? When you do this, you'll realize something powerful...

 There's nothing to be afraid of. You've faced similar circumstances in the past and succeeded.

   Sure, there were challenges and problems to overcome, but they are just temporary. In the end, they will only make you stronger.

    You just have to take that next step and face the unknown.

  That's when you'll conquer your fear, and start living a more interesting life.


If you want to learn how to overcome your fears take action when it counts.


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